Find your inner ten year old

The ten year old was off skateboarding with a friend when I circled the block in my van to locate him. I found him sitting on the street corner with a cute girl. After saying goodbye he jumped into the car. I tried to remain nonchalant.

"So who is that?" I said in the most mellow voice I could muster.

"That," he replied decidedly with a huge grin. "That, is my crush!"

Oh how I live for these moments! Innocent grade school crushes are just what the world needs right now!

Days later he was bored. I suggested he ride his skateboard ever so coolly by his crush's house. "You never know! She might come outside," I had sagely counseled.

He looked at me almost sympathetically. "No mom," he said wisely. "That is not how I am going to do this."

Tonight he came bounding into my room. My ten year old is just like me. He is either at an energy level of one million sixty two or he is resting below zero.

We were living in the million dollar zone.

"Remember my crush," he said excitedly.

"Of course," I replied. Not bothering to mention I had considered figuring out who her mom was and trying to befriend her in hopes of being a helper. 2020 has been brutal. Let me have something to live for.

"Well," he said with all his teeth showing. "She just emailed me!"

I matched his teeth. "What did she say?!" I clammered.

"How are you doing?"

"And what did you say?"

He paused for a moment. "I said good how are you."

Then he continued, "See I told you you had no idea what you were doing. And now she emailed me first!"

The seventeen year old called from his room. "Do you need some help? Come talk to me." The eleven year old sister yelled, "I think the sisters will give better advice."

The ten year old just strode down the hall and closed the door.

To be so confident in all things relating to life, love and hope.

Tonight may we all channel our inner ten year old.


Gratitude will shift the energy


Saying yes…..